We will need to provide you with an individualised quotation as we cannot anticipate the nature of your event or what it will entail. Our fees start at £225.


Shows, Plays, Dance or other Public Events,

We charge a fixed fee assuming an evening performance which lasts for under two hours recording time.


Working to a deadline

A national newspaper with an online presence hired us to record interviews and an event less than 10 miles away at half an hour's notice around 10:00 on a Monday morning. Our presence at the event lasted around 90 minutes and was followed by four hours of editing. A low resolution version of the four minute documentary was submitted by about 16:00 and, once cleared with their editor, the final version was uploaded an hour later.


Relaxed Deadline

An entrepreneur asked for interviews, seminars, city views and venue exteriors to be combined into a five minute promotional video for his website.


Working to a Deadline

A business asked us to video record a seminar featuring four one-hour lectures for web use. We were asked only to record this using two cameras and then supply the media for editing.